Friday, April 6, 2018

Find My Stuff

As you can clearly see from the huge gaps between posting dates on this site, I've been very irregular in making contributions here and I've promised to do better before and, for the most part, haven't. I justify this somewhat by the fact that very few people are following this blog anyway, but I've got a minor situation and maybe I've come up with a way to deal with it and change the situation here ever so slightly.

Part of the reason for my neglect here is that I'm writing more regularly elsewhere. It goes without saying that it's better to be a paid contributor than a voluntary blogger who's only recompense is the minor thrill of seeing one's words published somewhere, even if it's only because you publish them yourself. Be that as it may, here's the problem that prompts this post.

I spend an inordinate amount of time on Twitter and use it to promote my writing in other places, but one's twitter profile only has room for one dedicated link and a limited number of characters in the bio so it's difficult to write at three or four different sites and direct readers to all of them. Therefore this is my workaround. I'll link this post (and chances are good that you are reading these words now because you followed that link) in my profile, and within this post redirect you to all the still existing places where you can find my work.

First off, I've been the sole contributor to a transgender blog called "The Girl Inside" for several years now. There's an interesting story behind that blog. it was founded by a friend of mine at a tine in her life when she was trying to "manage" her gender identity, as many do, by trying to be "just" a crossdresser rather than a transitioning transwoman. So the site she founded began life as a crossdresser resource, and only later evolved to include transgender issues in a broader sense. The remnants of that past are still very obvious.
When she invited me on-board I told her that my history was not one that included the "crossdresser phase" and I had really very little to contribute to that subject but she encouraged me to write what I knew. It didn't take long for me to move the subject matter away from fashion and makeup advice to the issues ever-present to the transitioning transperson. I do respect that many trans people process their journey via that path, but I'm stubborn about the distinction between a recreational male-identified crossdresser and the transsexual person who's committed to full time transition.  So when you visit the site, recognize that when you see the crossdresser trappings that's legacy content. You won't have to review the archives much to know the site is now about much more than that. Find it here: The Girl Inside

Before this personal blog, I had another and honestly I'm not sure if I remember why I moved. I can't vouch that everything found there is something I'd stand by now, seven years and more since I contributed to it but from time to time I may update and revise a post and move it here.

On another tangent, I'm a staff writer for All Heels On Deck where I write primarily about the Toronto Blue Jays and occasionally about other issues as part of a staff made up of women, women of color and queer baseball writers.

Also, I contribute regularly to BPToronto writing primarily, but not entirely, about the minor league system and prospects.

Before I accepted that invitation I had my own Blue Jays focused blog where my profound wisdom and abject error are collected together and still online for anyone to see at The Southpaw .

You can also find my collection of short stories on Amazon. Painted Ponies was published four years ago and I'm still mostly not working on a couple of other projects that may or may not ever be finished but I think these are pretty good.

Finally, you can connect with me on Facebook where I sometimes wax verbose on some political position by following this link:

Hopefully from time to time I'll write something that will make it worth your clicks.